Fair Progetto Fuoco 2018
Fire Project 2018 That's what we'll expose: an auger with a height of6 meters from the ground to the hole of pellet's discharge; moreover we'll expose all the smaller "sisters" ,already presented at the previous edition Progetto Fuoco 2016.

Here we are again, at the 2018 edition of the famous fair "Progetto Fuoco" and obviously with some news! We present ourselves with a novelty of considerable size: a 6-meter high auger! This way we answered to all the requests to easily move the pellets to heating systems place at high floors; and all this with a limited use of space, given that this cochlea also works vertically, like the little sisters presented during the 2016 fair (the highest one of 2.58 mt). Obviously we keep on producing of all the previous augers and spirals, as well as the safety mechanisms (patented) and the anti-explosion proof valves.